SJIF Impact Factor 5.99 | InfoBase Index impact factor 1.5

Volume 1 Issue 1(July-September) Original Articles

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Research Article

1.Influence of myrtenal on the levels of surface glycoproteins, nucleic acids, and lysosomal enzymes against 1, 2-dimethyl hydrazine-induced experimental colon carcinoma

Booupathy Lokeshkumar, Thamaraiselvan Rengarajan, Mathuraiveeran Periyasamy Balasubramanian

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 1; Issue 1;Page No: 1-6

2.In vitro cytotoxicity of ethanol extract of Gmelina arborea and Grewia umbellifera in HepG2 and Vero cell lines

Sakthivel Selvaraj, S. Sheik Abdulla, Amanullah Safiullah

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 1; Issue 1;Page No: 7-10

3.Anti-inflammatory effect of myrtenal against cytokines in experimental colon cancer

Booupathy Lokeshkumar, Rengarajan Thamaraiselvan, Mathiwos, Dejenie Derseh, Mathuraiveeran Periyasamy Balasubramanian

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 1; Issue 1;Page No: 11-16

4.Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; identification from clinical isolates and analysis of antibiotic resistance pattern

Kaviraj Mahadevan

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 1; Issue 1;Page No: 17-20

5.Antidepressant-like effects of Ficus deltoidea aqueous extract on chronic unpredictable mild stress-treated rats

Huiling Wang, Mohamad Aris Mohd Moklas, Sharmili Vidyadaran,Mohamad Taufik Hidayat Baharuldin

Australian Journal of Science and Technology , Volume 1; Issue 1;Page No: 21-27

Review Article

6.Salivary antioxidants and dental problems - A review literature

Booupathy Lokeshkumar, Priyanka Dharani Kumar, Prabhavathy Sasikumar

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 1; Issue 1;Page No: 28-30

Volume-8 Issue-4
Paper Submission : 30-November 2024
Author Notification : After Review
Issue Publication : 30-December 2024
Frequency : Quarterly

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