SJIF Impact Factor 5.99 | InfoBase Index impact factor 1.5

Volume 7 Issue 1(March) Original Articles

Original Article

1.The effect of Jacobson’s progressive muscular relaxation on the stress level of final year students of the medical education study program at Nusa Cendana university
Faldy Adithias Ngulu, Derri Tallo Manafe, I. Made Artawan, I. Made Buddy Setiawan

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 7; Issue 1;Page No: 1 - 6

2.Effect of walking physical exercise on the executive functions of educators and education staff at Nusa Cendana University
Nindi Ariesta Adriani, Dyah Gita Rambu Kareri, Idawati Trisno, Nicholas Edwin Handoyo

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 7; Issue 1;Page No: 7 - 12

3.Technical efficiency and profitability analysis of cassava (Manihot species) production among small-scale farmers in Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria
Olugbenga Omotayo Alabi, Abubakar Sadeeq Musa, Ibrahim Maharazu, Samuel Jeremiah Aluwong

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 7; Issue 1;Page No: 13 - 20

4. Cost efficiency and profitability analysis of rice (Oryza sativa) production among smallholder farmers in Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria
Olugbenga Omotayo Alabi, Godbless Friday Safugha, Jeremiah Samuel Aluwong

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 7; Issue 1;Page No: 21 - 29

5.The effect of walking exercise on blood pressure reduction in prehypertension and Stage 1 hypertension patients
Maria Ducis Nurak Banunaek, Dyah Gita Rambu Kareri, Kartini Lidia, Derri Riskiyanti Tallo Manafe

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 7; Issue 1;Page No: 30 - 35

6. UAV gimbal position control using PID compensator
Odera Ohazurike, Sunday Anwansedo

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 7; Issue 1;Page No: 36 - 39

7.The effect of Mckenzie exercise on low back pain scale reduction in weavers in Fafinesu B village of North Central Timor
Aurelia Skolastika Naisanit, Derri Riskiyanti Tallo Manafe, Magdarita Riwu, Regina Marvina Hutasoit

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 7; Issue 1;Page No: 40 - 45

8. Technical efficiency of tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus) production in Katsina State, Nigeria: Socio-economic drivers and implications for consumers health benefits
Olugbenga Omotayo Alabi, Onyebuchi Henry Chiogor

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 7; Issue 1;Page No: 46 - 53

9.Effect of frequencies of watering and water volumes on the growth performance of Adansonia digitata (Linn) Seedlings
H. A. Gidado, K. D. Salami, A. A. Kareem2, A. U. Jibo, Adam Fatima1, D. O. Oginni

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 7; Issue 1;Page No: 54 - 58

10.The effect of Jacobson’s progressive muscular relaxation on the sleep quality of final-year medical students at Universitas Nusa Cendana, Indonesia
Febella Dian Willigiza, Derri Riskiyanti Tallo Manafe, Nicholas Edwin Handoyo, Dyah Gita Rambu Kareri

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 7; Issue 1;Page No: 59 -64

11.Economics of climate smart agricultural practices used by smallholder sorghum producers in Nigeria
Olugbenga Omotayo Alabi, Chinwe Edith Anekwe

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 7; Issue 1;Page No: 65 - 71

12. Suitability of using sawdust in concrete as partially replaced fine aggregate
Rayhana Sultana, Ferdous Wahid, Jannatul Ferdous Dola

Australian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 7; Issue 1;Page No: 72 - 75

Volume-8 Issue-4
Paper Submission : 30-November 2024
Author Notification : After Review
Issue Publication : 30-December 2024
Frequency : Quarterly

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